This blog is created to put our moments together, where we bought our clothes, accessories, lucky, mm, gifts of stores, diversion, but created with love….my moments are only of Samir Qendra, the person who I love THIS BLOG CREATION FOR SAMIR QENDRA and KARIN QENDRA This we created blog it to amuses, to only put the clothes that we like, free or of payment, so that all we can have pretty avi with money or without ;money, thats it
jueves, 30 de junio de 2011
This other store that I like much by the color of clothes. .ALTEREGO Funky Punky Outfit, hair ANGEL really visits this store their very comfortable prices are east model Georgia Caramel.
"K&L Store"
This is a store that I like much, the sets come complete, if you wish to put ears and tail comes with the named thing, and the prices are comfortable for all. .only the K& L.(no free)
miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011
Sami & Karin"
In fact if blog is truth this is of clothes, stores but as say it to the title, they are our together moments of sami and karin, for today is another one of the many together special days, we have long time together lacks little very little to turn a year, for us it is important because we have learned much together, tolerance, respect, values, diversion, to share etc, everything what a pair can do and soon we will have but new features… by this, by yesterday, for today and by morning I say my love mine thanks to you to be side and teach every somewhat new day to me and make our love is but hard I love you BEBO PRETTY ..... MUAKATELAS
ay this store is called ANGEL has very economic hair east model is called Emma, clothes lleggin zebra of HH, top pink Pinkish Me, sandals of PsychoTroia in pink color, is a gift of group, ring of EY NO, tattoo of GLUE INK Fly Away Bloosoms.
ANGEL(no free)
HH(no free)
GLUE INK(no free)
Group of PsychoTropia
LM to PsychoTropia(two gift)
I was by a gift and me see two in CENSORED with skin, shape all complete, furthermore in the store is much pretty clothes and very good price… hair HS gift. .take the group and to touch to the panel of the figure. .thats it (FIG. 1 y 2)
Another set of gift of CENSORED, hair TRUTH (already posteado) new, ring and adornment in the mouth of store EY NO (FIG 3 y 4)
TP CENSORED(gift of group)
TRUTH(no free)
EY NO(no free)
martes, 28 de junio de 2011
ENVIOUS(no free)
"Gothic Angels"
Search this mark of clothes very funny Gothic Angels Emo Girl holidays, glasses a gift of ROLE OPTIC, tattoo GLUE INK Owned, earrings of TOPAZ SQUARE - Darling Bear, pretty shoes of TERHO a gift….percing of ACIDE
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