viernes, 17 de junio de 2011


The Gizza store gives this pretty set to us, obtain the group of Gizza and to touch to the panel with the photo of the clothes… bracelets LINE Sema Colorfull, in order to obtain the bracelets suscribe and to touch the panel, Govil hair, shape Ricielli.

GIZZA NEW MAINSTORE(gift of group)
R.ICIELLI(no free)

"She only mine"

This pose is beautiful SHE is MINE….yay… Sami have jeans marks KALROV and a t-shirt marks GIZZA, Karin has a set of Crickets Bailey (FULL OUTFIT), brazalet of mark MANDALA new, poses Y&R

GIZZA(no free)
MANDALA(no free)
CRICKETS(no free)


The Envious store has east Impersonation set in supply, sexy, sport… Glasses Heart (SteinWerk) tattoo NEW NEW of VILLENA Ink that Meat. .cabello JUNWAVE (already posteado)

ENVIOUS(no free)
VILLENA(no free)
GLASSES HEART - Stein Werk(free)

"Candy Metal"

A complete candy dress, CANDY METAL you can here find this set funny. Hair ::S:: Tempestad Mega Pack, glasses LIFE IS BEATIFUL of GRAFFITI. This glasses are made to have a more friendly view at the world.
Let's make the world colorful!

CANDY METAL(no free)
GLASSES Life is Beautiful(free)